Friday, April 26, 2019


    • 3 things done well:
       1. Doing simple research of how to start an LLC was helpful to me. It helped me since it's relevant to marketing and it helped the team get a start on that. I may not necessarily have a use for this knowledge in the future, but knowing where to look to start up a business is something that could become useful should I choose to do that or know anyone else who does.
      2. The market research generally went well. I used a survey on surveymonkey and asked questions specific to what was necessary for this project. Furthermore, I was able to use a fan group for RPG's to make it easy to understand what hardcore RPG players are looking for. This is also useful for myself, since I have interest in making RPG's. This is particularly useful for the team as well.
      3. Looking into all of the individual costs of a project (such as licenses and salaries) did a lot to open my eyes to exactly how much goes into a single game project financially. It's a bit intimidating, but knowing this will be helpful for how to determine what does and doesn't work in the future.
    • 3 things that could have been better:
       1. I really do not like doing a lot of math. It's easy to make stupid mistakes and ruin everything. The only thing I could really do to overcome this was work through it and double check what I had already done. I don't think I found any good way to improve myself in this area other than to just power through and do as hard of work as I could.
      2. While most of my numbers remained the same over the course of the class, certain ones (such as the marketing budget) had to be changed as new information came to me in later assignments. This became fairly confusing and I wish I had the correct numbers earlier. I added some asterisks to previous assignments to remind myself that the old numbers weren't accurate, and that worked okay, but it would have been easier if I had found a way to avoid this in the first place.
      3. The equity offer mentioned in the Financial Report was difficult because I had to research how to write one and there aren't many good examples online. I think I did an okay job, but I'm not sure. I feel like I probably should have asked more questions about this one, but it was one of the last things I did so it became difficult to do so.
  • Most important element
 The most important element for me was the more psychological element of marketing. Figuring out what makes people want to buy a product was very interesting to me, as well as all of the factors that go into it (such as whether a person will buy a product more than once). Examples such as exposure of newer games increasing the sales of older games in the same series is a big one. This makes me think that doing cross-referential things across multiple games would be a good strategy going forward.

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