Friday, April 26, 2019

Week 7

I felt like I wasn't as able to focus on the reading this week with the class coming to an end, but even so, there were some elements that stuck out to me. The idea that Prestige Luggage looks as though they're performing exceptionally well but other statistics show them potentially falling behind shows just how initially looking at statistics can be misleading. While difficult to understand, Chapter 12's concept of determining the value of information is interesting to me. While on Survey Monkey, I noticed a Premium Feature would attempt to show what the mood of a person was while they answered the question based on how their answer was worded. I couldn't use this feature, but was reminded of it by the text and figuring out what the price that that information is worth is something worth looking into.

Being that this was the final week, I didn't get a lot done on the team project, working mildly on the goals set for me but without significant progress. I did do research on equity, however, and coming up with an offer for the Financial Report was difficult but I think I got it down.

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